Learn more about the people of the traditional Mi’kmaw territories through the links that we will be sharing with you here below. Learn about our true history, our beautiful culture and language, some of the challenges we have faced as the First People of these Lands. These links are both in text and video and we hope that they will provide you with some valuable context in your journey through a “decolonizing lens” as we step forward together in a new future. Should you have any questions, please reach out to us through our contacts page. Wela’liek – We thank you!
(please press on the blue heading links below to view information – the links will take you to a trusted partner link to help assist in your learning of our Mi’kmaw people).
Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre
The Mi’kmawey Debert Cultural Centre will be a meaningful and dynamic centre for Mi’kmaw people, and for visitors from across Nova Scotia, Canada and the world. Currently in the planning stages, the Centre will be built in Debert, Nova Scotia—a place where our ancestors lived more than 11,000 years ago, and a place where they still dwell today.
The future cultural centre is dedicated to sharing, protecting and exploring the stories and lives of our earliest ancestors and those who have come after them in Mi’kma’ki.
KMKNO (Kwilmu’k Maw Klusuaqn Negotiations Office) – “Searching for Consensus”
Our organization works on behalf of the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia in discussions with the Province of Nova Scotia and the Government of Canada on how the Mi’kmaq of Nova Scotia will implement their Treaty Rights, as provided by our ancestors in the covenant chain of Treaties signed in the 1700’s.
The Journey & the Spirit of the Mi’kmaq (VIDEO LINK)
This is a 24:34 minute video that is narrated by a well-known Mi’kmaq Elder, Josephine Peck as she gently walks you through some key points in the 500+ year colonial history of the Mi’kmaq people here in Mi’kma’ki Traditional Territory. Through the work of the Wagmatcook Culture & Heritage Centre, these mini educational videos have helped many to better understand some of the challenges that our people have faced over the many centuries of colonization here in North America.